Tuesday, May 29, 2012


After this class is over I will not continue to blog.  I don't think blogging is a waste of time but for me it is becuase I mean who is actually reading my blogs?  My classmates and teacher is all so why waste my time to do something that nobody is going to read once school is out?  So after this I am done blogging.  But if I feel like wanting to blog again I will just make a new account so it wouldn't be for my class, it would be for me.  So goodbye blogger and fairwell! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Schools Handbook

Out of all the rules in the current Sand Creek Jr.Sr. High school handbook I would want to change the rule stating: "Students who fail to keep electronic devices off and out of sight between 7:55 a.m. and 2:50 p.m. will have the item confiscated."  The 1st time is a warning but the 2nd time an electronic device is taken away you get suspended, does that seem fair?  I believe that we should be able to have cell phones out at lunch and in between classes.  I think it would make kids less tempted to text in class thus less people are in trouble.  All phones would have to be on silent and out of sight during class though.  That is what I would change. I believe many students would agree with me on this rule.  I do not believe that teachers and administers would agree though because they would think it would be more of a disruption than it is now.

If I could add a rule to the handbook I would add the rule that every grade gets to go to cedar point during the year to bond with their classmates and so all grades would think spirit wars were not rigged.  And for spirit wars they reward could be something else, like a trip to Toledo Zoo!  There would not be any ramifications that would occur with this rule except people would have to pitch money in to go to cedar point if the class funds cannot support it.  If kids do not chose to go to Cedar Point they still have to come to school.  I believe the staff and administration would agree with me because someone would have to supervise and they love Cedar Point too. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Seniors Last Week

This week the class of 2012 seniors are done.  The hallways will be empty and finally quiet.  I will miss them though.  Being a sophomore I have more classes with seniors than I ever have and I have played sports with them this year.  I've made a lot of great friends who will be graduating this year and I will be sad because I might not ever see them again.  But having them graduate just makes me ten times more ready for summer and to become a junior next year then before I know it, it will be me on the stage graduating.  I wish all the seniors good luck on their journey through their new life.  I will miss the class of 2012. 

Monday, May 7, 2012


In my opinion high-schools proms are not over-rated.  It depends who you go with and what you do.  Some people make it over-rated.  I went to two proms this year but i'm just gonna talk about Sand Creeks Prom.  The D.J. was not very good, he played a lot of old music.  The best part was getting to dance with all my friends and just having a good time.  After prom was kind of boring after the first hour or two.  There wasn't much stuff there to keep you busy and the prizes were not that great.  I also went to Morenci's Prom which was last saturday.  There after prom was way better but I don't know about the dance but it might have been becuase I didn't know a lot of people.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Facebook...Schmacebook...what is all the fuss!

Do you have a Facebook account?  I do.  I've had one for about two years now.  I use it everyday, or at least get on it everyday...I don't always post a new status everyday.  I just like facebook because it lets me see what people are doing, what events are going on, and what all the drama is about...because it's all on facebook.  I think so many people just have to be on facebook because they'd feel like an outcast because everyone talks about facebook in school "Did you see that facebook fight?  Did you see the picture so and so commented on?  Did you see who broke up on facebook?"  People feel like facebook is their way to stay in the loop of things and not be left out.  I think facebook should be used only for what it was created for.  Did you know it was created for college students to assosicate with each other?  It was never for Jr. high kids or high schools kids or adults who are in their forties.  Yes, I do have one but that's because everyone my age does...do I think we should have one at age 10-16? No.  Facebook causes drama and cyber-bullying in high school.  The original purpose of facebook isn't even used now.  Facebook has its positives and negatives.  Three positives about facebook is it lets people know whats happening in others' lives, like when adults post new pictures of a newborn it allows others to see how their life is changing.  Another positive is it allows you to express yourself in a way, yes their are limits to what you can post on facebook but it still allows you to express yourself.  Also, Facebook allows kids to interact and maybe not be so shy.  People on the Internet are less shy than in person because it's not face to face confrontation.  So eventually people will grow out of being shy possibly from facebook.  Facebook also has many negatives as well.  Facebook (in high school) can cause major drama between people.  It can cause cyber-bullying as well because people don't care about others' feeling when they don't see the reaction in person.  Actually some kids have committed suicide from bullying through facebook.  Another negative is that it allows rapist (possibly) to find a target easier.  Facebook shows your name, date of birth(optional), location, age, and you may not realize it but many people share personal information and have pictures that can give their location.  It can be very dangerous.  It would be easy for someone to make a fake account and be your "friend", get information out of you, and fool you.  It happens a lot.  And all these girls and boys that say they have hundreds of "friends" they probably don't.  I mean people can have hundreds of acquaintances but friends?  I mean how can people have hundreds of friends and hang out with them all and keep in touch.  It's almost impossible.  But they could be past friends and recent friends all added up to make you have hundreds of friends on facebook.  But people add others if they've only maybe seen them at a place they were at one day.  It's crazy.  So is facebook over-rated?  What is all the fuss?

Monday, April 16, 2012

There is nothing better than...

There is nothing better than Elizabeth Herriman's dad.  Jeff Herriman is the best person in the whole entire world.  He thought me all the basics of softball, my favorite sport.  He has three daughters.  Two are twins, Elizabeth and Gabby, Elizabeth is the nicer twin of the two.  I don't know how Gabby got to be so mean.  Anyways Jeff is a great person, he always makes me laugh and whenever I am about to pitch in a game I think of him because he was the first person to ever let me pitch in a game, I was like 10.  I was horrible, I never practiced but he helped me and I wasn't sooo bad like I thought I was.  Well anyways Jeff is an all around amazing person, he is a great father for raising Elizabeth the way he did, and he is a great coach.  I hope one day I can have him coach me again!  You never know.  Oh and also he can pull off having a moustache and most guys can't AND he can pull off the look of not having a moustache, double cool.

Friday, April 13, 2012


colors2 by Abbeylynn2014
colors2, a photo by Abbeylynn2014 on Flickr.

This is a photo of a pretty, simple yellow flower. I have many other photos on Flickr you can see. Just go to:

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Collage

This is my collage I made represting all of the sports that I play and my number.  Its suppose to be a heart and the background is yellow becaue it's one of my favorite colors!


I did many different things during Spring break.  My first day of spring break I went and signed up to go tanning all month! Yay!  Then the next day, Saturday, I left for my sisters house all the way to Kalamazoo.  I stayed there until Thursday.  At Kalamazoo I found my prom dress and my prom shoes.  My mom, my sister, and I all went shopping and we bought lots of summer clothes.  The rest of the week I just sat around and saw how college life was like, I liked it.  I can't wait to go to college now.  I also gave her dog daily walks.  Also I went and got my hair done when I got back.  Then I went to a Wild Game Supper, YUCK!  I only eat chicken and deer.  They had things like squirrel pot pie; also at the Wild Game Supper we played barn ball, it was scary.  Then for the rest of my break I was with my family for Easter, I went to church early and helped cook breakfast then went to the sermon.  Then I went to my grandmas and ate then went home and ate more with Chris Ondrovick and my immediate family.

OH and I got a new puppy ! She is so cute; we haven't decided on a name yet though...she's a boxer.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

If I could make up my own holiday I would make the holiday on June 7th.  Why June 7th do you ask?  Because it is my birthday, and I am sick of going to school on my birthday.  The reason for celebrating is just to have a day off in the summer.  This holiday would be called "Abbeys' Day."  On this day people would exchange summer gifts; like summer clothes, bikinis, sandals, purses, everything.  People would travel to the beach and relax out in the sun.  You would have a feast of foods with tons of fruits that grow in the summer.  Everyone would get the day of school and relax.  People would be required to take off work and spend time with their kids and families.  A symbol for this holiday would be a sun or a palm tree.