Monday, April 9, 2012


I did many different things during Spring break.  My first day of spring break I went and signed up to go tanning all month! Yay!  Then the next day, Saturday, I left for my sisters house all the way to Kalamazoo.  I stayed there until Thursday.  At Kalamazoo I found my prom dress and my prom shoes.  My mom, my sister, and I all went shopping and we bought lots of summer clothes.  The rest of the week I just sat around and saw how college life was like, I liked it.  I can't wait to go to college now.  I also gave her dog daily walks.  Also I went and got my hair done when I got back.  Then I went to a Wild Game Supper, YUCK!  I only eat chicken and deer.  They had things like squirrel pot pie; also at the Wild Game Supper we played barn ball, it was scary.  Then for the rest of my break I was with my family for Easter, I went to church early and helped cook breakfast then went to the sermon.  Then I went to my grandmas and ate then went home and ate more with Chris Ondrovick and my immediate family.

OH and I got a new puppy ! She is so cute; we haven't decided on a name yet though...she's a boxer.

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