Monday, October 24, 2011


This past Friday, October 21st, my Exploring Technology class; which is what I am in now and the high school anatomy class went to visit Imagination Station in Toledo Ohio.  This field trip got us out of school all day which was really nice.  We went to Imagination Station because they have the human body exhibit, we got to go in and look.  The body exhibit was very reviling; but also really interesting.  You got to see what you looked like from inside to outside.  It was kind of gross at first but then I got used to it and thought about how all of that is inside me.  But besides the body exhibit there was so much more to do.  They have different stations where you can problems solve while having tons of fun, like building plans and boats and learning how objects work.  I also watched a show that showed how Newtons 3 laws of motions worked; which was very fun.  There were so many activities to do and things to learn; the only bad part about that whole day was having to wait a while to eat lunch because the lines were so long, but it was worth it.  That was my day at Imagination Station.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Best Present I've Ever Gotten

What is the best present I've ever received?  This is a hard question, most of my gifts since I'm older is money and gift cards nothing special.  So I am going to talk about the best present I ever got when I was little.  When I was little I was in love with dressing up and putting on my own make-up and acting like I was a "grown up".  So for Christmas when I was about six years old I got a dress up kit; it was probably the best present I'd ever gotten when I was little because I didn't have dress up clothes and my own make up; it was the first time I'd received my own make up and dress clothes and even a pair of little high heels.  I used to wear the different outfits all the time until I finally grew out of them; so that was the best present I'd ever received.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Weekend

My weekend was very busy.  Friday I went to the Morenci Football game and they beat Clinton.  The game was very boring, there wasn't much action or excitement.  At the end of the game, the band had a "no light, glow show" it was pretty cool; something I've never seen before.  Saturday my sister came home from college, so I woke up and cleaned my rabbit cages and played with them.  Then I did some yard work since it was nice outside.  After I was done my friend Kendrick came over; we watched the Michigan Football Game together.  Sunday I went out in the woods and helped my brother set up stands to go hunting.  Then Kendrick came over again and we watched movies.  Then I did all my homework and went to bed once he left.

Monday, October 3, 2011

My 2011 Fall Homecoming

The 2011 fall homecoming was full of events this year.  We had float building all week and every day we dressed up different. I won the " best dressed " for decades day and our float (sopomores) got second place.  I think we deserved first place though. This year the powder puff game between the juniors and seniors was played during school hours the same day of our homecoming game and we got out of class to go watch it.  This was very excited all of us pumped up for the day.  The pep assembly was very funny this year; as a sophomore I got to go down and play the "shape game" with the rest of my class.  Two football coaches and teachers sung a song about "beating the bulldogs" it was very entertaining and got the whole school pumped up and cheering.  We defeated the Morenci Bulldogs 14 - 7, making our homecoming end in a great win.